Call for Papers(ITQM 2013)

  • Published: 2014-12-31
  • 26732

Theme: Advancing Innovation and Development of IT and Quantitative Management

International Academy of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (IAITQM) was formally inaugurated on June 3, 2012 with more than 50 founding members from China, United States, Australia, Japan, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain, Singapore, South Korea, The Netherlands, Turkey and other countries. The First International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2013), established by IAITQM, is a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies that bridge the latest information technology and quantitative management techniques. It explores how the use of information technology to improve quantitative management techniques and how the development of management tools can reshape the development of information technology. It covers all topics in the broad ranges of information technology and quantitative management including, but not limited to:

        Artificial Intelligence

·         Big Data Issues

·         Bio Informatics

·         Brain Informatics

·         Cluster Computing & Performance

·         Cloud computing

·         Data Mining & Web Mining

·         Data Warehouse & Applications

·         Database Keyword Search & Search Technology

·         E-Commerce

·         Human Computer Interaction

·         Intelligent Agents Technologies

·         Intelligent Data Analysis

·         Information Ethics & Legal Evaluations

·         Information Retrieval Systems

·         Information Security

·         Recommender Systems

·         Social Computing

·         Trustworthy Computing & Software

·         Wireless Technology & Performance

·         Accounting Analysis

·         Analytic Hierarchy Process

·         Decision Analysis

·         Business Intelligence

·         Complex System

·         Computational Economics

·         Decision Support Systems

·         Enterprise Computing & Evaluation

·         Group Decision Making & Collaboration

·         Habitual Domain & Organizational Behavior

·         Innovations & Management

·         Knowledge Management

·         Marketing

·         Multi-criteria Decision Making

·         Optimization Control & Techniques

·         Policy Modeling

·         Quality Management

·         Quantitative Finance

·         Risk Management

·         Service Management

·         Visualization & Decision Making

Technical exchanges within the research community will encompass invited keynote lectures, special sessions, tutorials and workshops, panel discussions as well as poster presentations. Prospective authors are invited to contribute high-quality papers to ITQM 2013.
Call for Special Sessions and Workshops

ITQM 2013 Program Committee solicits proposals for special sessions/workshops within the technical scopes of the Congress. Special sessions/Workshops, to be organized by internationally recognized experts, aim to bring together researchers in special focused topics. Papers submitted for special sessions/workshops are to be peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the contributed papers. Proposals should include the session title, a brief description of the scope and motivation, biographic and contact information of the organizers. Researchers interested in organizing special sessions are invited to submit formal proposal to the Special Session Chair: Heeseok Lee ( and Yi Peng (
Call for Tutorials

ITQM 2013 will also feature pre-Congress tutorials covering fundamental and advanced topics on information technology and quantitative management. A tutorial proposal should include title, outline, expected enrollment, and presenter/organizer biography. We invite you to submit proposals to the Tutorial and Workshop Chair: Enrique Herrera-Viedma ( and Lingfeng Niu (
Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers should be at most 8 pages including the bibliography and well-marked appendices. Papers must be received by the submission deadline. We invite you to submit your paper to: EasyChair Login Page for ITQM 2013

If you have any question for the submission, please contact to Conference co-Chairs: Peter Wolcott (pwolcott@unomaha) and Yingjie Tian (

Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by Elsevier in their new Procedia Computer Science series. Selected best papers will be published in special issues of high quality journals (Int. J. of Information Technology and Decision Making, Annals of Optimization and Data Science, and others that are currently under negotiation).
Important Dates:

Special Session/Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: October 15, 2012
Special Session/Workshop Decision Notification: November 1, 2012
Paper Submission Deadline: December 1, 2012
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: January 15, 2013
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: February 15, 2013
Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: March 1, 2013
Tutorial Proposal Submission Notification: March 15, 2013

Conference Committee:

Honorary Chair: Siwei Cheng, Walter Scott and James Tian

General Chair: Yong Shi and Youmin Xi

Conference Chair: Peter Wolcott and Yingjie Tian

Organizing Chair: Jianping Li and Zhengxin Chen

Program Chair: Enrique Herrera-Viedma and Gang Kou

Special Sessions and Workshops Chair: Heeseok Lee and Yi Peng

Tutorial Chair: Dan Berg and Lingfeng Niu

Publications and Proceedings Chair: David Olson and Lean Yu


Conference Organizers:

Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Nebraska at Omaha

China Data Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd